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28 Departures
per week

With up to 28 departures per week – both east-/ and westbound – we’re one of the leading providers in our industry. Every week we’re serving more than 72 destinations inside China and Europe.

to more than
72 destinations

From more than 24 destinations inside Europe to more than 48 destinations inside China. That’s more than 2.300 active connection combined – every single week and 365 days per year!

from $990 & 11 days
transit time

With rates starting as low as $990/40′ container and transit times starting from 11 days only, we offer you and your client an amazing alternative to other transport modes.

300 employees in more
than 10 locations

Together with our mother company Beijing Trans Eurasia Logistics Ltd (TE) and our fully owned subsidary bahnoperator® Polska, more than 300 employees taking care of your shipments. With more than 5 offices inside China, 3 offices inside Germany, one office inside Poland and one office inside Austria we ensure to be as close as possible to our main hubs.



Europe to China


China to Europe

Our Products

We are focused
on keeping the railroad
moving forward.

Even more

With our on-/ and pre-carriage solution you will
reach any destination located within 450 km of our
railway terminal.